Plan F – Boosting Municipal Bicycle Mobility
Having a plan is good. Having Plan F is even better. F stands for bicycle, progress, and expertise. Plan F assists municipalities in promoting cycling. To achieve this, Plan F organizes existing knowledge, measures, and guidelines for bicycle mobility and identifies necessary areas of action. This overview is complemented by current examples from municipal practice, tailored to urban and target-specific peculiarities. In this way, municipalities gain both an overview and concrete options for promoting cycling.
Plan F is a collaborative project between Fair Spaces and FixMyCity, supported by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV) as part of the National Cycling Plan (NRVP).
For the areas of action, an icon set was created, which was used across all media channels - from the website and social media posts to the explainer video.
Fair Spaces / FixMyCity
Branding und Corporate Design, Naming, Editorial Design, Explainer Video
Project team
Lars Herzig, Prof. Nadja Mayer, André Nossek, Siri Poarangan, Leo Volland

The core of Plan F lies in the systematization of practical examples and guidelines. The structured processing of materials into nine areas of action has resulted in a goal-oriented and clear collection of measures, provided to responsible persons in municipalities through the handbook.
Das Herzstück von Plan F ist die Systematisierung der Praxisbeispiele und Leitfäden. Durch die strukturierte Aufarbeitung der Materialien nach neun Handlungsfeldern ist eine zielorientierte und übersichtliche Maßnahmensammlung entstanden, die durch das Handbuch den Akteur:innen in den Kommunen zur Verfügung gestellt wird.