The digital user behavior undergoes constant change. Based on a comprehensive understanding of user needs, we develop online presences that effectively convey complex content in a user-friendly manner.

HLTM Digital
HLTM – Improved visibility and accessibility
Ascolta Website
Ascolta – A New Online Presence for the Music Ensemble
FLAB Website
F°LAB Festival for Performing Arts – Website Relaunch
freitagsküche – A New Online Presence for the Meeting Point of the Frankfurt Cultural Scene.
Schering Stiftung Website
Schering Stiftung – At the Intersection of Science and Art
    Kulturhaus Lüdenscheid – New Online Presence with Ticket Shop Integration
    Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe
    Community Hospital Havelhöhe – Achieving More Together
    Die Ganze Freiheit – Web development for an exhibition space for contemporary art