Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe – Über 25 Jahre Gemeinschaftlichkeit

For its 25th anniversary, Community Hospital Havelhöhe released a commemorative publication that reflects on its past achievements while also allowing space for future ideas. What exactly makes GKH Havelhöhe so special? Naturally, it’s the employees across all areas of the hospital. But it’s also the many initiatives and associations that have emerged from intensive engagement with the needs of patients. And it’s the willingness to evolve. Looking back over the past 25 years, GKH Havelhöhe has consistently been in flux, often even leading the way. It’s a dynamic place where renewal and development are embraced and supported together.

The publication documents the contributions of the anniversary celebration and also provides information about the initiatives that have emerged over the past 25 years.


Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe


Editorial Design, Art Direction

Project team

Lars Herzig, André Nossek, Christoph Soeder (Photography), Leo Volland, Tanja Vonseelen (Editorial Staff)